Written by Mary Pat Withem
Braam Jordaan – Panelist at CRPD.  Accessed 6-16-2014.

A representative for the World Federation of the Deaf (and Youth Section), Braam Jordaan was able to deliver a seven minute statement at a session in New York. Braam Jordaan is a board member of the WFDYS (World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section) and was one of the panelists for “matters related to the implementation of the Convention.” This panel, Youth with Disabilities, had been co-chaired by the Vice President of Bulgaria and Civil Society. The dialogue took place at the seventh Conference of States Parties to the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. His statement focused on, “The right of deaf children and deaf youth to receive quality education in Sign Language.” (WFD)

The World Federation of the Deaf has been recognized by the United Nation as their spokes-organization. WFD works closely with the United Nations and other various agencies within the United Nations to promote human rights. WFD focuses specifically on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a convention by the United Nations. According to the WFD website, CRPD sets a framework for rights of Deaf individuals by filling an important gap in international human rights legislation. There are five articles in the convention’s preamble that mention sign language.

The WFD and the WFDYS strongly urge State Parties and other Stakeholders to recognise and respect the educational rights of deaf children and youth as one of the key factors in achieving their full human rights as well as ensure that these rights are at the centre of the Post-2015 Development Agenda (WFD Facebook).

With overwhelming support from various countries including Vietnam, Braam Jordaan was able to send a powerful message across the world that our children have needs for access through visual representation, specifically sign language and must not be lacking access to such resources.

Braam Jordaan also took the time to share on his Facebook page that he was honored to be able to represent the WFDYS and WFD. Braam is from South Africa and can be found on Twitter or Facebook

Braam Jordaan’s FaceBook Wall Post. Accessed 6-16-2014.