One of the hottest stories of the year gained international recognition for interpreters. It was of a man who had decided to pretend that he knew how to sign and was hired to interpret at Mandela’s funeral.

The man who broke the story, Braam Jordaan is back and rallying even harder against the fake interpreter.

The efforts to spread the word about #fakeinterpreter is going viral and if people are interested in sharing or getting involved in the movement, now is the time! 
Use the hashtag on both facebook and twitter to call attention to your post, #fakeinterpreter and if you can, include a photograph with your hand facing the camera and the words on your hand, Stop fake interpreter! Searching for hashtag on Facebook brings up a good amount of posts including one by RID. 
While the story about Nelson Mandela’s sign language interpreter resurfacing is two days old, it is just now becoming a hot topic on Facebook and Twitter. Get involved and share photos to spread awareness that this man needs to be stopped! He is robbing people of their language and stealing from deaf-economics! 
Braam has made an official comment about why he is pushing #fakeinterpreter to spread awareness.