When Hearing People say, “OMG, You’re Deaf?! You can’t hear even a little bit at least?”
We will be like…”UGH!”
When Hearing People ask, “Please use your voice!”
We will be like…*BUH-BYE*
When Hearing People ask, “Can you hear me when I’m talking?”
We will be like…this, literally!
When Hearing People find out, they are shocked that we can’t speak for shit.
We will be like…please just stop, and take your pity elsewhere!
When Hearing People try to joke with us during a conversation.
We will be like…”boring!”
When Hearing People ask, “Can you talk?”
We will be like…”whatever!”
When Hearing People want to know if we can have sex.
We will be like…(including Emma Watson) start laughing uncontrollably in your face. You Idiot!
When Hearing People ask, “Can you dance?” You will be like…
Yes, we can fucking dance. Thank you very much!
When Hearing People use the term, “Hearing Impaired” while talking to us.
We will be like…”What. The. Fuck?!”
When Hearing People don’t think being Deaf a “disability”.
We will be like…*HALLELUJAH*
Written by Jasun Hicks
Follow him @jasunhicks