Written by: Mary Pat Withem

The month of June is halfway over and the Anderson Center is already planning on a summary event for their artists! Cynthia has had this life long dream of having a Deaf Artists’ Residency program and she was so excited because this would be the first of its kind in America!

Anderson Center Flyer  Accessed 6/18/2014
Anderson Residency working  Accessed 6/18/2014

When Cynthia was interviewed during an introduction to the program, she had highlighted the need for ongoing support for this program through publicity and demand. One way she had highlighted this was by sharing the fact that the more support, the more likely Anderson Center will be able to obtain more funding for the program. Cynthia is also hoping that based on the projected success of this program, other organizations that run residency programs for artists will consider doing the same.”. The more opportunities for Deaf artists of all disciplines, the better.” (Cynthia)

The time has come for the community to support the newly developed program by attending their event at the Anderson Center Barn on Thursday, June 26, 2014 in the evening.

As a teaser, the center has been posting pictures of their artists hard at work. There are many pictures on Facebook page portraying what these artists are doing at the Center this month. The five artists have different focuses (an artist, a poet, a writer, another artist, and a scholar) but they share one common denominator. They are all representatives from this community.

Cynthia was asked how it was going and she responded on a very brief break during the day saying that everything is going wonderfully and has been beyond anything they could have expected! “Everything has been fantastic – beyond anything we could have expected so we’re very pleased and think the residents are too” (Cynthia)