June 22, 1940 (France) – Hitler gained victory over France through an “armistice” which was a treaty signed that would cease hostilities between Germany and France. At this time, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union’s Red Army had already invaded Poland in September of 1939 which ignited World War II. Even though France had built a concrete fortification along its German borders back during World War I, the Nazi army were able to enter France along the Somme River on June 5, 1940. The entry of the Germans on June 5, 1940 initiated a ripple effect that led to the signing of the French treaty with Germany. And thus began the French Resistance movement.
June 22, 2014 (DSTidbits) – There is a famous quote that says, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This was by George Santayana who had died back in 1952. As a philosopher, essayist, poet, and a novelist, this man was able to reflect and accurately portray events. While there is no actual flat out example of history repeating itself, the abstract idea is obvious. War upon war has always been about control.

It doesn’t stop there, Napoleon of France and Alexander the Great of ancient Rome wanted to be the rulers of the known world as well. These are people that came from radically different time periods with completely different socioeconomic infrastructures, yet they aimed for the same goals, control of available resources. Alexander the Great was born in 356 BCE, Napoleon was born in 1769 CE, and Hitler was born in 1889 CE (BCE refers to before Common Era, and CE represents Common Era; also formerly known as BC and AD, respectively). The furthest last known war on record, according to Homer of Greece, is that of the Trojan War, which resulted in the sacking and collapse of ancient Troy. There is much debate regarding what actually happened with the Trojan War. However, according to Homer, there were multiple vectors that led to the war, all central to the kidnapping of the most beautiful woman, Helen by Paris of Troy. The Hellenistic world was then turned upside down at that point. The Hellenistic world refers to these countries influenced by Greece of the time period.

It may seem like something that is transpiring halfway across the world currently has nothing to do with this country directly. However, if the government decides to stay out of the embroiling situation too long or does not pay attention to signs that history is repeating itself, we are doomed. Western countries will eventually get sucked into the current theater of war in the Middle East region, based on history alone with regards to current omens and portents.