Adolf Hitler c 1933 via Britannica

Adolf Hitler c 1933 via Britannica

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. He is known for his leadership of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party). He was the chancellor of Germany for eight years before he took over as a dictator which lead to the holocaust. When he was fifty six years old, he committed suicide with his wife Eva Braun in Berlin. In his fifty six years, he accomplished more than most people in the world ever do. He became one of the world’s most hated people.

Hitler had just two goals in life; acquisition of living space for the German people and final reckoning of the Jews. In his efforts to increase the German Army (which was in violation of the Treaty of Versailles) he reassured diplomats that German’s military build up was merely a defensive measure designed to gain equal footing with its surrounding nations. Hitler had fooled those diplomats and they took him at his word because they must have thought he was a man they could reason with.

Even seventy years later, the aftermath of the Holocaust still shocks people all over the world. Some people even deny it ever happened because they don’t want to admit that the world leaders would allow something like that to go on for so long. Hitler has been dead for almost seventy years and people still fear the possibility of another person rising to power and essentially destroying the world.

His biggest accomplishment was that he reminded the world that true evil does exist. It is not a bad dream or a nightmare that people can wake up from. An excess of six million Jews and 5 million targeted individuals (a total of 11 million people) have died because of one man. That is two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe at the time.

The largest concentration camp was also an extermination camp. It was called Auschwitz and was alone responsible for the death of 1.1 million people. Don’t remember Adolf Hitler today, remember his victims. Remember that one person can truly impact the world in a horrendous way. So, today instead of saying happy birthday Hitler, we should say, “We will never forget.”

Auschwitz on

Auschwitz on