Image Description: A white woman with her brown hair up in a bun, sitting in front of a grey background in a dark green/brownish sweater with the Deaf Vee Journal logo on her upper left chest.
Hello everybody! As many of you know, Deaf Vee Journal has been around for about 1 and half to 2 years now. During that time, we have worked really hard to build relationships with the community and create content with/for Deaf community members. Wow, it has been a lot of work and it has been hard for all of us due to the lack of funds.
As you know, COVID-19 happened. We each had to step back for awhile and tend to our personal needs but we are back now! The problem is still there. We want to keep going and not have pauses in our work. It becomes frustrating for us and the community as a whole.
To refreshen your memory: Deaf Vee Journal is focused primarily on social justice issues plus equality and other important topics that impact our communities every day. We provide resources and information for the communities. We also work hard to make sure our information is fully accessible for the DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and hard of hearing communities. This is on top of ensuring accuracy for our work.
With that said, we believe it is important for us to spend more time and energy on making sure our content is fully accessible to everybody…not just the mainstream person. This means including more vlogs, image/video descriptions, and transcripts that are top notch. These are all important aspects of what we do as a team.
But because we work full time and work on Deaf Vee Journal simultaneously, our energy and time is not able to be fully focused on making sure Deaf Vee Journal is on the level that we need it to be at.
The team has decided that we need to spend some time on assessing the valuation that the Deaf community has for Deaf Vee Journal. This means finding funds so we can spend more time doing what the community wants/needs from us.
We want Deaf Vee Journal to be successful but that is only possible with community support. We have decided that we will start a monthly subscription for our content. For $5 each month, you get access to all of our content. In exchange we will be increasing content releases, including requested coverage and investigations. We want to make sure that each and every one of you have the opportunity to enjoy our content as you have all along!
With that said, we wanted to make sure that we took the time to share this information with the community to explain what’s going on and to remove any confusions that people may have. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or
We have chosen to use Patreon, which will ensure that there are no manual management of your membership and you are able to determine how much you want to contribute! We don’t want you to have to re-subscribe every month.
See you all later!