#WWAWhiteGala Party at John Maucere's house. Shared on Who Will Answer Facebook 4/25/2015.

#WWAWhiteGala Party at John Maucere’s house. Shared on Who Will Answer Facebook 4/25/2015.

The Who Will Answer Gala on 4/25/2015 is being hosted at John Maucere‘s house in Los Angeles. Who Will Answer is a collaborative fundraising effort between various companies within the community. Domestic Violence does not end at 5 PM and Who Will Answer is looking to stop that. ” Every deaf survivor of sexual assault deserves 24/7 access to support.” says one of their advertisements. With the fundraising goal of 250,000 dollars, they hope to be able to answer calls around the clock and fund a 24/7 National Deaf Hotline Center.

Who Will Answer announced tonight that they will be live tweeting the event and have photos available on Instagram as well!

“Follow us on Instagram @whowillanswer for live updates, and check out our tweets on Twitter at @Deafhotline as well.” Who Will Answer

They also have a change.org petition to stand up against #DomesticViolence in the community. If you haven’t signed their petition yet, check it out today.