Today, the four major phone carriers companies that support text-to-911.

According to FCC:

However, not all areas support Text-to-911. You will need to check the FCC list of location for “Text-to-911” availability for more information to ensure that you area has the Text-to-911 service available. Keep in mind, it’s not limited to the community, it’s also for everybody who need to use the service itself. Right now, there are only 16 states and several counties in those states that have the service. Empower yourself by checking out information to ensure that there’s availability in your home area and if something happens to you, you’ll know that there’s an alternative back up for you to access to 911 such as Text-to-911 service.

Text-to-911 Etiquette

– state your emergency, provide your location ie: across street, specific address (without it, will consider as an incomplete text and you will received “bounced back” text message by your carrier provider).
– videophone/voice should be primary choice to call 911, if unable – text-to-911 will be your alternative as back-up.
– photo and video will not be accepted.

As Trey Forgety quoted:

At least, there’s some progress in technology. A brighter future for this additional type of service. It’ll be a long progress before the service is fine-tuned. It might be a few years before the Text-to-911 service availability is nationwide.