Deaf cultures communicate with hands, body, arms and facial expression and as you know it’s called sign language. Hearing cultures use language to communicate with one another by using spoken English words with listening.

Deaf: we have learned to communicate in sign language and use our communication skills, morals, behaviors, values, language and attitudes which originate from the culture we live in.

skills: hands, arms, body, facial expression, visual art.

morals: collective culture, variations of morals.

behaviors: various, poor to rich, elite.

values: high, poor to rich, elite.

attitudes: social responsibility, social justice, collective, community accountability, poor to rich, elite.

language: syntax and grammatical structure

the most common misconceptions of ASL: People think it is an universal language. Clarification: it is not a universal language, ASL stands for American Sign Language, other countries have their own.

signs in English word order and auditory language is not ASL.

Hearing: your communication skills, morals, behaviors, values, language and attitudes originate from the culture in which you live in.

skills: voice, tone inflection, intonation

morals: individual culture, various of morals.

behaviors: various, poor to rich, elite.

values: low to high – various on your background, poor to rich, elite.

attitudes: norms, background, individual, poor to rich, elite.

language: dialects, accents, grammatical structure

Behavior Traits

hand waving to get attention

flickering lights

tapping on shoulder

Using a third person to get another person’s attention depending on where ie: party, crowd space, etc.

When seeing other person, greet in hug instead of handshake (man to man, woman to woman and the opposite sex).
Open and direct during the conversation.

Tight knit community, forever and ever!


uses voice to call other name to get attention.

Greeting by handshake.
Soft hit during the conversation.
Community, come and go.
There are huge differences between the two cultures. Appreciate what you learn.

Written by Jasun Hicks