Dr Z has taken it upon himself to embarrass ZVRS by posting an article earlier in the day with incorrect information that focused on Purple’s fines from FCC. He initially claimed that it was the VRS aspect of Purple Communications that was the targeted division of the fine (notice the title on the top does not align with the bold statement that says, “No comments yet…..”) The title that says “Purple Fined $11 Million” is the original title. 
There was a comment pending telling them to check their facts before posting information. Rather than approving this comment (and any other that may be pending) and responding with an update, they have chosen not to approve the comment and attempt to cover up their errors ineffectively. 
Another misleading statement in the post is making the fraudulent actions look like a recent incident where as it happened in 2010-2011. Which one is it, 11 million or 12 million dollars? Inconsistency is not a reporter’s friend. The main issue with this article is the way that Dr. Z rewrote to include a update. He changed the VRS aspect of his article to VRS/TRS and felt the need to emphasize that VRS and TRS are funded by the same pool of money that FCC receives from telecommunication providers. Is this a further justification for his misleading article earlier in the day?
Written by Mary Pat Withem