On April 22nd, 2014 there was an announcement by ASLIU American Sign Language Interpreters United about a trial covering unfair labor practices against Purple to a federal administrative law judge. Here are the following charges of unlawful actions by management at Purple’s Denver center:

• Failure to negotiate with the union before it began disciplining employees for not meeting the 2% utilization goal and before implementing changes to the teaming policy.
• Violating the rights of certain employees when it monitored them more closely than other employees, and when it disciplined them “in retaliation for their protected union activities.”
• Ordering employees to keep details of their investigative meetings with management secret.
• Ordering employees not to copy other employees on “emails they send to management about terms and conditions of employment.”
• Denying a union activist the opportunity to take advantage of the visiting VI policy in retaliation for her union activity.
• Ordering employees to remove union-related material from work areas where other non-work material is routinely posted.
• Targeting a union activist for an unfair 7-day suspension. (ASLIU)

In another case in California, there was a disclosure of misconduct by upper level management to push for a non-unionized workplace. One of the scare tactics used by Ferron:

Ferron later admits in a testimony that Purple had no intention on closing any call centers. 

There’s a lot more about unethical behavior by Purple upper level management team not just in Denver. Hopefully these people will be let go and Purple Communications can go back to giving top-tiered service and support for their employees. Especially their interpreters who are the cornerstone of the whole company. Without good interpreters, VRS companies don’t exist.

Interested in more information? Check out the link provided for the full case about unethical practices against interpreters within the workplace to push away the idea of unions.

Written by Mary Pat Withem